Wednesday 15 April 2009

The angel speaks


In the spirit of giving you something a little more concrete from the project of the moment...

How amusing that in this modern age, humanity is under the impression that freedom, and indeed free will, are desirable virtues. Children are taught the value of individuality and independence, and are encouraged to forge their own paths based on informed choices. Democracy and the principle of free speech are championed across the earth – under the ever-watchful and guiding hands of those with its ‘best interests’ at heart, naturally. For many, of course, these ‘enlightenments’ are not part of everyday life, but they are still under the impression that they would be better off if they were.
It should be obvious to any creature calling itself intelligent that true freedom is only created in the fallout of complete and utter dominion – it is merely the vacuum left by pure and unchallenged authority. Is that really so desirable? If not, how can anything inferior be even vaguely considered so? To have felt an immovable hand for so long, only to have it callously let go - over the darkest precipice no less – many a prisoner of such order will tell you that adjusting to life after order’s demise is harder than living under it.
Humanity would do well to consider its position a little more carefully I think.

Lucifer is SO rewarding to write for...

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