Friday, 10 April 2009

Hell's Own


And so the project has a name.

Apologies for the lack of recent updates (to those of you who actually read this). All of my writerly focus since January has been directed towards long-haul projects and assignments for university, and as a result I've had nothing to share that was anywhere near finished. This is still the case really, but I thought I'd share a little something I concocted last night.

A select few know that I'm currently working on my 'magnum opus' as it were - a proposed comic-book serial. I've made a few half-hearted attempts recently to recruit an artist, but Middlesex being what it is, it seems like the illustration tutors have more important things to attend to...that or they never check their bleeding e-mails!

To that end I have drawn up a poster which I intend to post around campus, as well as at a few other institutions, to attract the attention of some poor, unwitting soul and force them into drawing pretty angels and fiery things for me.

So without any further ado or kerfuffle, here it is:


Not bad, huh? I'm hoping it'll at least attract some attention, and with the addition of posting this blog's URL on or near to it, maybe some more minions for my ultimate dominion, mwahahahaaa!

Until next time...

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